

Welcome! This space is dedicated to you, fathers and mothers of our students. Through this blog you can follow the work that your children will be doing in class and also on this page your will have extra information that will make you reflect and better understand our approach.
¡Bienvenidos! Este espacio está dedicado a vosotros, padres y madres de nuestros alumnos. A través del blog podréis ir siguiendo el trabajo que vuestros hijos van a ir haciendo en clase y además en esta página tendréis información extra para haceros reflexionar y entender mejor nuestro planteamiento. 

Take One Picture Project
The language should be learnt for using it and being able of using it means not only learning English but learning contents through the language and using it for real purposes. That is why, we are going to use the eTwinning platform to be in contact with a school in England which participates in the project “Take One Picture” of the National Gallery. Each year the Gallery displays a selection of schools’ work in the Take One Picture Exhibition which takes places every summer and this year we have the possibility of being part of it. If you want to know more about the Take One Picture project click here.

Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?/¿Matan las escuelas la creatividad?
"Creativity  is now as important in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status"

The Little Boy by Helen Buckley
A story to reflect/Una historia para reflexionar

Thanks to this application we will be in touch . You will receive continuous feedback of the work and behavior of your children in the classroom. It's completely free and easy to use. You can click on the image and access to more information about how it works.

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